About Sigma Delta Pi

We are Sigma Delta Pi, The National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. Founded 100 years ago, we work to promote the study of the Spanish language as well as the culture of those who speak it. The UNT chapter of SDP, Alpha Pi, has worked tirelessly since its founding in 1938 to further the study of the Spanish language and culture at UNT and in our local community.
Our Motto
Spanías, Didagéi, Proágomen
SDP's motto is the Greek expression Spanías, Didagéi, Proágomen. Translated to English, this means "Let us go forth under the guidance of the Spanish language." These words define our society's guiding philosophy and serve as a constant reminder of our goals as an organization.
Our History
Sigma Delta Pi was founded in 1919 at the University of California, Berkley by a student named Ruth Barnes. She, along with six other students of Spanish created what would become the largest foreign language collegiate honors society in the United States. Since the first ever induction ceremony in May of 1920, SDP has welcomed thousands of students from 49 states of the 50 states, the District of Colombia, and Canada. With 627 currently active chapters, SDP's primary goal of promoting the study of the Spanish language and culture lives on.
Our Mission
As previously mentioned, Sigma Delta Pi's primary goal is to promote the study of the Spanish language and the culture of those who speak it. In addition, SDP also strives create strong bonds between Spanish-speaking and English-speaking nations, honor those who achieve excellence in the study of Spanish literature and culture, honor those who make Hispanic culture more well known in the English-speaking world, and provide opportunities which will help members achieve their academic goals. As you can see, SDP's mission is multi-faceted, and focuses on multiple areas of cultural enrichment.