Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Through a partnership with the Pulsera Project,
custom Sigma Delta Pi pulseras continue to be available for chapters directly from Sigma Delta Pi’s national office.
These beautiful, uniquely designed pulseras are hand-crafted by Central American artists employed by The Pulsera Project with the goals of creating meaningful fair trade jobs and supporting communities.
Sigma Delta Pi is proud to support The Pulsera Project and their employed artisans through this invaluable partnership. With the purchase of your own Sigma Delta Pi pulsera, you will assist the Pulsera Project with their important mission.
For more on the Pulsera Project, and how your chapter might become directly involved with a pulsera sale through the Pulsera Project, please visit www.pulseraproject.org.
​​¡Feliz cumpleaños Sigma Delta Pi!
La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica cumple 105 años en noviembre 14th.
Descripción: La fundadora de la Sociedad:Ruth Helen Barnes de la Universidad de California, Berkeley
¿Quiere saber más de ella? https://sigmadeltapi.org/about/our-history-and-mission/